Compliance today is way more a complex topic than ever before. In a global environment, we are facing growing legal challenges. That’s why we are constantly adapting our processes and systems to the legal framework. To emphasize the significance of compliance, we have anchored it as a corporate principle: “We comply with applicable laws and internal policies.” Thus, compliance means practiced value of our corporate culture. We have a compliance management system in place that allows you as a customer, business partner or company employee to act in accordance with uniform and binding structures.

It is important to identify potential misconduct at an early stage to ensure that our corporate principle can be complied with. We achieve this, among other things, by being notified of potential compliance violations. A compliance violation exists if applicable law or internal policies are violated in Germany or abroad by or vis-a-vis our employees in the performance of their duties. Such violations include, for instance, corruption offenses, competition and antitrust offenses, data protection breaches, as well as accounting, financial and tax offenses. To detect and prevent compliance violations, we rely on both our employees and customers and business partner. Should you notice any signs of a compliance violation, you can report them through various channels.

No matter which one you choose, rest assured that every report will be treated strictly confidentially – anonymously if you wish.

Compliance officer: Please contact our compliance offer to report compliance violations or for any questions about compliance.

Schwarz IT KG Compliance Stiftsbergstraße 1 74172 Neckarsulm E-Mail:

Online Reporting System
We have set up an online reporting system for reporting information that might indicate compliance breaches. The Compliance Officer processes all information submitted.
The online reporting system is an Internet-based application and is accessible from every web-enabled device via the following link: Online Reporting System

Legal counsel
Lawyer Dr. Margarete von Galen is available to you as our external legal counsel. You may contact her at any time to submit information concerning company and employment-related criminal or administrative offenses. Legal counsel von Galen will closely examine the information submitted and pass it on to the Compliance Officer if there are specific indications of a compliance breach. As external legal counsel, von Galen is bound to observe confidentiality. She
You can contact our legal counsel von Galen as follows:

Dr. Margarete Gräfin von Galen
Specialist lawyer for criminal law
Mommsenstraße 45 10629 Berlin
Phone +49 30 31 01 82 0
Fax +49 30 31 01 82 20

Our entitlement to the supply chain

The companies of Schwarz Group respect human rights and environmental standards within their own organizations and in their global supply chains. The goal is to promote their application and prevent violations. The companies of Schwarz Group work together with their employees, customers, business partners and other stakeholders to promote compliance with human rights and environmental standards. More information on corporate responsibility.