oneclick AG

Independent Software Vendor

We offer modern & secure DaaS and VDI workstations from any device.

The oneclick Group AG, with headquarters in Zurich and an innovation center in Traunstein, Germany, specializes in the development and operation of a platform for the provision of digital workstations. The oneclick ™ platform offers all tools for application delivery as a complete and ready-to-use service. *

Zur Webseite

*Please note: The content on this page comes from our partners. We do not assume any liability for the completeness, topicality or correctness of the data shown.

Expert knowledge and expertise

Find out more about the services and areas of expertise of our partner. The following tabs provide details on the general scope of the offer as well as the industry and product focus.

erfahrung icon
  • Automotive
  • Financial Services
  • Building industy
  • Education
  • Cloud Natives
  • Computer & electrical
  • Business & Professional Services
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Retail & Wholesale
  • Industrial Goods & Manufacturing
  • IT & Telecommunications
  • Small & Medium Business
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Public
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Insurance
  • Water supply & waste management
  • Advertising & Marketing
  • Compute Engine
  • Database
  • Network
  • Security
  • Storage
  • STACKIT Backup Storage
  • STACKIT Block Storage
  • STACKIT Compute Engine
  • STACKIT Kubernetes Engine
  • STACKIT Netzwerk&Security
  • STACKIT Object Storage
  • STACKIT Server Backup Management
  • STACKIT Windows Server

Range of services

Find out which products and services our partners offer. By expanding the headings, you get a detailed view of the offered service.

Cloud Migration – Services

Services for transferring IT resources from on-premises, a private cloud or a public cloud to the STACKIT cloud architecture

Infrastructure – Services

Services for supporting data center infrastructure such as hardware, computing power, memory space or network resources

More information

Company insight


Locations: Zurich, Switzerland. Traunstein and Bonn, Germany. Loughborough, UK. Sacramento, USA. Johannesburg, ZA. Hong Kong, China.
Partner since: 2023
Languages supported: Deutsch und Englisch

STACKIT Support Headset

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