MongoDB.local 2023

Events | STACKIT is part of the MongoDB.local on 21.09. in Frankfurt

Thu., 21.09.2023Frankfurt, Germany

As a premium partner, STACKIT will be present at MongoDB.local in Frankfurt again this year. At this MongoDB customer and partner event, there will be a separate presentation by STACKIT in addition to its own booth. More information about the content of the 30-minute slot will follow here shortly.

At MongoDB.local Frankfurt, interested visitors will learn about technologies, tools and best practices to create data-driven applications without distractions. The event is designed to exchange ideas with MongoDB experts as well as existing customers to find new ways to develop with MongoDB. Visitors will also have the chance to learn about upcoming topics and projects at MongoB as well as local customers. Additionally, visitors will be able to meet developers in the MongoDB industry.

There will be keynote presentations showcasing the latest product innovations from MongoDB. In so-called technical sessions by MongoDB and customers, interested parties of all knowledge levels will have the chance to learn more about MongoDB. Additionally, there will be a chance to get new product demonstrations and exchange ideas with MongoDB enthusiasts.

About MongoDB

MongoDB is a cross-platform, document-oriented database management system that allows you to easily and quickly store and manage any type of data. While the data can be nested in complex hierarchies, it always remains queryable and indexable. The entrepreneurs behind MongoDB believe that making data simple gives people the opportunity to let their genius run wild and create something world-changing.

MongoDB was founded in 2007 by Dwight Merriman, Eliot Horowitz and Kevin Ryan – the team behind DoubleClick. At Internet advertising company DoubleClick (now owned by Google), the team developed a lot of custom data to work around the shortcomings of existing databases. The company has 400,000 ads per second, but often struggled with both scalability and agility. Frustrated, the team was inspired to create a database that would overcome DoubleClick’s challenges. This was when MongoDB was born.